How to Improve Sharing Leisure Time Family Nursing Article

Form 9. Leisure time in unlike countries

Grade ix Unit seven Lesson six.

How exercise people in different countries spend their leisure time?

Read the text and practise the exercise that follows.

The Chinese put a lot of emphasis on the unity of the family. In the cities, the parks are often crowded with families spending their time together. In that location are lots of nice, clean parks for people to spend their time in. Sometimes musicians and acrobats perform in the open air to entertain people who are nowadays at that place. In the evening many families spend their free time watching tv.

The Japanese dearest to take role in sports in their free time. Baseball, golf game and martial arts such as judo and karate are particularly popular with men. Most students practise non have much complimentary fourth dimension but during their holidays they join English language clubs or art clubs. They also dearest skate boarding which involves riding on a flat piece of woods that has wheels under it. A lot of practise is needed to continue your balance on the board every bit it moves.

In Canada recreational activities can be divided into two types, summer and winter activities. Canada is a very cold state with snow everywhere in winter. Skiing is therefore a pop sport at that fourth dimension and involves going downwards mountain slopes on a pair of skis. Snowboarding, which is very much like skateboarding, is besides a favourite sport. The merely difference betwixt the two is that snowboarding is done on snowfall while skateboarding is done on concrete. In summertime people honey to get fishing, boating or swimming in places where there are big lakes or sea beaches. In other places, golf and tennis are quite pop. Many people also go hunting, hiking, camping or bird watching. Hiking involves going for very long walks in the mountains or in the countryside. For camping ground people go, sometimes with their families, to spend a few days in the mountains or open spaces away from the urban center. Camping sites commonly provide facilities for nutrient, sanitation and emergency medical services.

For the Germans leisure has become a major pursuit [ занятие]. Formerly, Germans used to work ten hours a day and six days a calendar week and had very little time to relax. But in modern times working hours in Germany have become shorter stretching over five days. People therefore accept more than time to spare now. They are then interested in spending their free time effectively that there is even a German Leisure Association that conducts research on leisure activities. The Germans love to travel and well-nigh half of all adults in Germany have fabricated a trip exterior the state just for pleasure and relaxation. There are also many sports centers where young people go for concrete exercise. Going to dance clubs or for long drives are other popular pastimes. Hiking, walking or visiting family and friends are also some of the nigh mutual leisure activities there.

Whatever, the country, 1 action that is common to all is watching television!

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