constantine instructed his mother, helena, to build basilicas at what sites?

Call me curious, in that location are secrets in the Bible. Hidden between the papyrus leaves. The deeper I look, the more than interesting information technology gets. We  cannot imagine the ability this book has in our lives. We hardly know the political reasons behind the cosmos of Christianity. But the Bible was restricted, and translations into English were illegal. Did you know that eighty% of all Bibles sold today are the King James from 1611, which is Not approved by the Vatican? Did you know that virgin birth is a unproblematic mistranslation from Hebrew to Greek that they've known for centuries? Yes. They merely looked the other way. Yet, there is much truth in the Bible equally well.

The awakening of mankind is inevitable. We know that the roots of Christianity are true. Nonetheless, much has been invented. Now we need to know the difference. This is our time for myth-busting. I am here doing my function to destroy lies. This commodity shares a few interesting hidden details well-nigh our Western heritage.

Executive Summary:

  1. The Nativity of Christianity: Constantine Unifies Various Factions
  2. Council of Nicaea Chooses a New Proper name for God – 325 AD
  3. How Were New Attestation Gospels Assembled?
  4. Jesus' Female parent Mary not a Virgin? Mistranslation from Hebrew.
  5. The Beginning English Bible Translation was Illegal, past John Wycliffe.
  6. William Tyndale Killed for Heresy, but His Bible Lives On!
  7. Rex James Bible Proves Royal Divine Correct Comes from God.
  8. 2d Vatican Council 1962 Launches Modern Bible Revision to Comprehend all Faiths.
  9. Moral of the Story: All Bibles have been tweaked, a reminder to cultivate God on your ain.

It all began in Byblos,  the busy Phoenician city. This trading port 20 km north of nowadays-day Beirut, Lebanese republic was known for receiving papyrus from Arab republic of egypt for books. Then, early Bibles were chosen Byblos, all hand-written in Aramaic, Hebrew, Greek, and later on Latin. To translate the sacred books, many factors had to exist taken into business relationship, like politics, traditions, customs, social classes and wealth, advisedly considered.
ane. The Birth of Christianity: Constantine Unifies Diverse Factions

In 4th century Rome, Emperor Constantine faced uncountable challenges. He waged wars on all sides, and struggled with countless religious differences across the vast Empire. Even worse, he endured brutal disputes over his legal title to the throne.Constantine's main problem was the uncontrollable disorder among church building elders and their diverse worship of numerous gods. Finally, he united all diverse religious groups under a new composite "deity". He ordered the compilation of new and quondam sacred writings from all over the globe into a compatible collection that became the New Testament.

As a political strategy, Emperor Constantine sought to unite his empire past merging the Christian factions with local Infidel worship and Mithraic hole-and-corner societies. Pagans could go along their traditional celebration dates while the Christians got to go along their names and idols. So, Paganism and Mithraism got dressed up in Christian clothing. Information technology was a compromise past all parties that allowed Constantine to expand his empire and secure his throne, with himself as the undisputed sacred dynastic ruler.

Christianity is unlike whatsoever other religion considering it is a "created" religion. Imagine the challenge of creating an entirely new faith from scratch based on a person that you never met that had lived some 350 years before!

Early versions of the Old Testament were in Hebrew, and subsequently Greek. Many textual corruptions, additions, omissions, and transpositions crept into the Hebrew Torah Betwixt 200 BCE and 400 CE. The oldest virtually reliable translation of the Old Testament from Hebrew is called the Septuagint . Legend tells u.s.a. that the Greek Pharaoh, Ptolemy II, gathered 72 elders and isolated them in 72 dissever rooms, with the chore translate the Torah (offset five books of the Old Testament) into Greek. The word Septuagint, means "the 70". This famous  translation dates from around the 3rd to the second century BCE, which was well before the Council of Nicaea, and appearance of Christianity in Rome.

The Roman Catholic church relied on the Septuagint to translate the Starting time Testament, called Vulgate , meaning "mutual Latin language". Many early Christian writers, such as Paul, quoted from the Septuagint. However, there were some notable omissions in the Vulgate, such every bit the Apocrypha texts that refer to the life of Jesus, the Gnostic Bible, and the Nag Hammadi manuscripts. These texts were considered "noncanonical"and were abased, hidden or destroyed.

The New Attestation was a brand new undertaking, put together past Roman church building clerics from thousands of other documents in myriad languages. Constantine had assembled all the bang-up sacred scriptures of the time at the Council of Nicaea. Some came from as far away as the Indian Mahabharata. Thus, many of the stories in the New Attestation, as new testify is revealed, practise non represent historical realities. And many of them were written subsequently the Quango of Nicaea, in the 4th century Advertising. The church does not deny this.

At this point the historic truth of Christianity slips into one of the biggest black holes in history. At that place'southward a skillful reason why the New Attestation didn't exist until the fourth century: That'due south because much of information technology was not written until and so. And in this we see evidence of one of the the greatest misrepresentations of all time. At the Quango of Nicaea, groups of church elders presented the example for "many gods and many lords". Numerous religious sects existed, each with differing doctrines. The groups debated over qualities of their diverse gods and "altar was set confronting altar" competing for audiences within the Empire.

In Constantine's time the Christian religion did not exist, and the Church has acknowledged that the tale of his "conversion" and "deathbed baptism" are "entirely legendary".Constantine saw in this confused commotion of fragmented dogmas an opportunity to create a new and combined state religion, and to protect information technology past constabulary. He began by issuing a decree commanding all church building elders and their subordinates "be mounted on asses, mules and horses belonging to the public, and travel to the city of Nicaea", which is in today's Turkey nigh Constantinople.

They were instructed to bring with them the testimonies they taught, "spring in leather" for protection during the long journey, and to surrender them to Constantine upon arrival in Nicaea

Their writings totaled, "in all, two thousand 2 hundred and thirty-1 scrolls and legendary tales of gods and saviors, together with a record of the doctrines orated by them".

2. Council of Nicaea Creates a New God and a New Organized religion: 325 AD

Thus, the get-go ecclesiastical gathering was a bizarre event that provided many details of early on clerical thinking and presents a clear motion-picture show of the intellectual climate of the time. Information technology was at this gathering that Christianity was born, and the ramifications of decisions fabricated are incommunicable to measure.

A total of 318 "bishops, priests, deacons, subdeacons, acolytes and exorcists" gathered to contend and decide upon a conventionalities organisation that encompassed only ane God. A huge assortment of "wild texts" was said to be circulated among church building elders supporting many Eastern and Western gods and goddesses such every bit: Jove, Jupiter, Salenus, Baal, Thor, Gade, Apollo, Juno, Aries, Taurus, Minerva, Rhets, Mithra, Isis, Ra, El, Krishna, Horus, Yahweh, Cybele, Theo, Fragapatti, Atys, Durga, Indra, Neptune, Vulcan, Kriste, Agni, Croesus, Pelides, Huit, Hermes, Thulis, Thammus, Eguptus, Iao, Aph, Saturn, Gitchens, Minos, Maximo, Hecla, and Phernes.

Before the Council of Nicaea, Roman aristocracy primarily worshipped two Greek gods – Apollo and Zeus. Many soldiers followed the cult of Mithra. Near of the common people idolized either Mithras or Julius Caesar, who had been deified "Savior" every bit afterward his death.

The Council Had to Make up one's mind: What is the Name of God?
Constantine asked the Council of Nicaea to choose a proper noun for the God for his empire to unite all religious factions nether ane deity. He invited them to argue and decide who their new God would be. Delegates argued among themselves, and the names of 53 Gods were mentioned for discussion. Months passed, withal after seventeen months they nevertheless could not decide. Eventually with some prodding from Constantine, it is said they voted information technology down to a shortlist of six prospects:

  1. Caesar
  2. Krishna
  3. Mithra
  4. Horus
  5. Zeus
  6. Hesus

I'm told they finally settled on the great Druid God, Hesus , combined with Krishna, which is Sanskrit for Christ and Greek Χρίστος Christos pregnant "the anointed 1". Thus, the official proper name of the new Roman god was agreed to exist Hesus Krishna.

A vote was taken, and it was agreed with a majority show of hands (161 votes to 157) that both divinities were to become one God. Following longstanding Roman custom, Constantine used the official gathering and the regal embodiment power decree to legally deify two gods as one, with autonomous consent. The political human action of deification effectively and legally placed Hesus Krishna among the Roman gods every bit a single individual blended.But since at that place was no alphabetic character "J" in alphabets until around 800 CE, the name evolved into "Jesus Christ" much later.

three. How Were New Testament Gospels Assembled?

Constantine and so instructed his assistant Eusebius to organize the collection of new writings submitted at the quango. His instructions were:"Search ye these books, and whatever is good in them, that retain; just whatsoever is evil, that cast away. What is adept in 1 volume, unite ye with that which is skilful in another book. And whatsoever is thus brought together shall be called The Book of Books. And it shall be the doctrine of my people, which I will recommend unto all nations, that there shall exist no more state of war for religions' sake."

Constantine believed that the confederate drove of myths would unite various opposing religious factions under i story. Merging the supernatural "god" stories of Mithra and Krishna with British Culdean behavior effectively joined the Council of Eastern and Western leaders. Eusebius then arranged for scribes to produce, "fifty sumptuous copies … to be written on parchment in a legible style, and in a convenient portable form"

These were to be the "New Testimonies".He then ordered before manuscripts and the records of the council "burnt" and declared that "any man found concealing writings should exist beheaded."

Constantine'due south female parent Helena became a Christian in 312 CE at the age of 63. He asked her to supervise a journeying to Jerusalem to find Christian relics to sanctify the new basilica.  Helena went to the holy country three centuries later the death of Jesus Christ, and returned with pieces of the crucifixion cross, nails, a holy tunic, and rope fragments. On her death she was sanctified as Saint Helena.

Constantine died in 337 with the satisfaction of knowing that his merging of many pagan beliefs into a new religion brought many converts. Historical records reveal it was practical self-interest that led him to create Christianity. However, it wasn't called "Christianity" until the 15th century

Over the ensuing centuries, the "New Testimonies" were expanded. For example, in 397 they restructured the writings of great occult healer Apollonius of Tyana , a offset century wandering sage, to brand them part of the New Testimonies. Some say the smashing Apollonius was really merged into Jesus of Nazareth  creating 1 "personality". And since the Latin name for Apollonius is Paulus, the Epistles of Paul now had a new proper name. Cheque out writings of Apollonius hither.

A recent discovery of the consummate ancient Sinai Bible, said to be the New Testament, revealed a staggering 14,800 editorial changes in the published New Testament, with  surprising show that refutes the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Mod-solar day versions of the Gospel of Luke have a staggering 10,000 more words than the same Gospel in the Sinai Bible. Even so, these inconsistencies have been refuted and  debunked by the highest authority.

The Encyclopedia Biblica reveals that effectually ane,200 years of Christian history are unknown: "Unfortunately, just few of the records prior to the year 1198 accept been released". Perhaps that's because Pope Innocent Three (1198-1216) suppressed all records of before Church history by establishing the Hush-hush Archives. "Church building history will be now exist established … nosotros shall seek to impress our ain account"

"It thus appears that the present titles of the Gospels are not traceable to the evangelists themselves … They are supplied with titles which, withal ancient, do not go back to the corresponding authors of those writings." – Cosmic Encyclopedia

Oh dear, this indicates that there are no 18-carat churchly Gospels, and that the Church building has invented the very foundations of Christian faith. This would suggest that the New Testament is not divine in origin, and Christian texts have no sacred authority. For centuries, fabricated Gospels bore Church building certification of authenticity, but they are at present confessed to be invented?Perhaps that is why Pope Leo 10 (d. 1521) called Christ a "fable"

The get-go Roman Bible was chosen the "Vulgate" meaning "common" or "colloquial", translated into everyday Latin from Hebrew and Greek. Afterwards they added "Glossa" commentaries on the pages, which were considered one of the smashing intellectual achievements of the 12 th century, every book copied by manus.

In 392 CE Emperor Theodosius declared Christianity the official and sole organized religion of the Roman Empire. Pagan temples were converted or destroyed. Mithraism, Lord's day worship and all other religions were prohibited on penalty of confiscation of property, torture, slavery, or decease. The aboriginal library of Alexandria, Egypt was destroyed and heretic books burned. The great prophet Mohammad brought enlightened vision to the Mesopotamian God "El"  who was came to be pronounced "Allah" . In Roman areas, all temples to the Infidel gods became Catholic churches. Rebirth and reincarnation were removed from the teachings. Astrology was removed from the schools and ridiculed as heretical. Catholic knowledge was officially reserved for secret societies and the Emperor.

Subsequently the Roman Empire vicious, it transformed into a global church infusing every part of our lives in the West, and fifty-fifty embraced the colonies. While the Bible is a sacred certificate and it is real, we must too acknowledge that the scriptures accept been carefully edited for purposes of consistency and control. There have been some translation errors and many original scriptures omitted. Christianity was created essentially equally an entirely new organized religion, neatly assembling all the elements from existing folk traditions and other religions.

4. Jesus' mother Mary not a Virgin? Mistranslation from Hebrew.

Anybody knows the story of the Virgin Mary in the Bible. In fact, virgin birth is a cornerstone of Christianity. However, the nature of the mysterious Immaculate Conception that led to the birth of baby Jesus has recently been questioned. It seems the original Hebrew Bible used the give-and-take "Almah" meaning "Young woman of childbearing age" . When it was subsequently translated into Greek, the word "Parthenos" meaning "Virgin" was used. The Hebrew word for virgin "bethulah" cannot exist found anywhere in the original Hebrew. Patently, the original writer intended for it to exist read equally "young girl", not "virgin".

"Therefore, the Lord himself will give you a sign. The virgin will be with kid and will give birth to a son, and will telephone call him Immanuel." Isaiah 7.14

In his volume "Orpheus", the Hebrew scholar Salomon Reinach wrote: "As early as the 2d century B.C. the Jews saw the mistake and pointed it out to the Greeks. However, the Catholic Church knowingly persisted in the false reading, and for over 15 centuries has clung to this mistake." The mysterious question over the word "virgin" remains unsolved to this day.

John Wycliffe Bible blueprint was famous, a gold frame decorated with flowers and leaves and English text in hand-written 14th century Heart English.

five. The First English language Bible translation was Illegal, by John Wycliffe!

Throughout medieval times information technology was forbidden to translate the Bible into local languages. The English language church building was controlled by the Pope in Rome, and all Christian services were conducted in Latin. John Wycliffe was an Oxford professor in the 14th century CE who believed that Bible teachings were more important than the rules and regulations of the earthly clergy and the Pope. Wycliffe translated the Vulgate Bible from Latin into readable Heart English, as he believed that everyone should be able to understand information technology straight.

Wycliffe inspired the beginning complete English translation of the Bible, fifty-fifty though Rex Henry Four periodically ordered Bible burnings to punish heretics in 1401. For a while Wycliffe'southward Bible escaped destruction.

Wycliffe believed everyone should have access to the scriptures. Was Abraham Lincoln a Wycliffe fan? These phrases echo his Gettysburg address.

Although the archbishop of Canterbury condemned him, Wycliffe was well continued and lucky, or he would take been executed for heresy. He had the back up of his Oxford Academy colleagues and influential laymen. All this saved his life. However, 40 years after his death, Wycliffe was charged as a heretic, his torso was dug upwardly, burned, and scattered forth with his books. Whew! Fortunately, his English translations had a lasting influence.

Wycliffe was a prolific author with an enormous English language vocabulary and coined several words for the first time. In fact, more than than 1100 words are recorded for the first time in his Bible. For example, Wycliffe is the earliest known writer to utilise the discussion 'abominable' to depict people, in the Book of Psalms.BTW, you tin can read all 746 pages of Wycliffe'due south bible online here!

6. William Tyndale killed for heresy, simply his Bible lives on!

William Tyndale was an English Renaissance homo who traveled widely and knew Greek, Hebrew, and Latin. He had access to Protestant teachings from Martin Luther and other intellectuals all over Europe.

Tyndale believed all believers should acceptdirect access to the word of God.Several partial English translations had been made from the 7th century onwards. However, religious ferment caused by Wycliffe's Bible in the late 14th century led to the death penalisation for anyone possessing the scriptures in English language. Nevertheless, Bible translations were available in all other major European languages.Tyndale was the kickoff English Bible to use Jehovah ("Iehouah") as God's name as preferred by English language Protestant Reformers, and this was considered a direct claiming to the hegemony of both the Catholic Church and the Church building of England.

A copy of Tyndale's "The Obedience of a Christian Man" (1528), which  argued that the king of a land should be the head of that country's church rather than the Pope, roughshod into the hands of the English language King Henry VIII, providing him a rationale to break the Church in England from the Cosmic Church in 1534. However, sadly in 1530, Tyndale'south "The Practyse of Prelates" also fell into the hands of the King. Information technology opposed Henry's annulment of his ain wedlock on the grounds that it was contrary to scripture. Oh dear! Big mistake. This probably led to his expiry.

Fleeing England, Tyndale went into hiding in Flanders. He was arrested and jailed in the castle of Vilvoorde near Brussels for over a yr. Finally in 1536, he was convicted of heresy (blasphemy) and executed by strangulation, after which his body was burnt at the stake. His last words echoed out every bit he shouted his dying wish: "Lord Open the King of England'southward Optics!" It seems his prayer was fulfilled the following year with Rex Henry'southward "Matthew Bible", which was by and large taken from Tyndale's work.

From John Foxe's Volume of Martyrs, 1563.

Tyndale's translation of the Bible has influenced all subsequent English translations, and it still survives in most translations today. In 1611 the King James Bible's changed the world every bit 47 scholars adopted about 80% of Tyndale's work. Recently, Tyndale was placed 26th in the BBC poll of the 100 Greatest Britons.

7.  King James Bible Proves Divine Right Comes from God

When King Henry VIII bankrupt abroad from the Roman Catholic Church building in 1532, he sought to established himself as the de-facto head of the Church of England. A few years later, King James was in litigation with the Pope in Rome, maintaining the divine right of kings to govern and dominion their people. This concept did not sit well with the Pope.

In 1604 when King James commissioned the English language Bible translation, his want was to answer to the discord caused by Wycliffe and Tyndale. He wanted to certificate the legal purple ability of the Rex in the new English bible. All it took was a few substitutions. The English word "government" was slipped into the English translations for this political purpose.

The Jesuits from Rome conspired to assassinate King James in the Gunpowder Plot of 1605. The plan to explode the Parliament edifice was foiled only hours before the King was scheduled to sit with British government. About midnight on the nighttime earlier, Sir Thomas Knyvet, a justice of the peace, found Guy Fawkes lurking in a cellar under the Parliament edifice. He ordered the premises searched and found some 20 barrels of gunpowder. Fawkes was taken into custody, tortured on the rack, and revealed the Roman Cosmic conspiracy to remove England's Protestant authorities and supercede it with Catholic leadership. E'er since, Nov 5 is known as Guy Fawkes Nighttime, celebrated with fireworks!

The Male monarch James Bible project was a huge success, and it still tops the listing of popular bibles. Roughly 80% of all bibles purchased at present are the KJV, which is a tidy sum in the brisk bible market of $425 million dollars per year.

8. 1962 Second Vatican Council Launched Modern Bible Revision to Include All Christian Sects.

In 1962 the 2nd Vatican Council addressed relations between the Cosmic Church and the modern world. A vast assembly of two,400 Roman Catholic bishops from all over the world fabricated a procession through St. Peter'due south Square toward the Basilica for the solemn opening. Within the splendidly appointed church building, the bishops took their places in long rows to accept part in the ceremony. Near the chantry saturday observers from other Christian communities invited to attend the quango. The Council, through the Holy See, was formally opened without invoking infallibility under the pontificate on eleven October 1962. Pope John XXIII's opening accost had the character of a Magna Carta.

Revisions of the Bible are ongoing. Several changes resulted from the Quango. One of them was to createthe offset truly modern, readable revision of the Bible. Not to be dislocated with the New American Standard Bible, the New American Bible (NAB) is a Catholic Bible translation first published in 1970. It was translated past the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine under the liturgical principles and reforms of the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) afterward a long and confused history of translation, re-translation, revision and re-revision. At nowadays, three translations are approved for Catholic liturgical utilize: the New Jerusalem Bible, the RSV, and the New American Bible (NAB). However, sadly one Roman Catholic called it"a wretched translation. It succeeds in existence, at the same time, loose, stilted, informal, vulgar, opaque, and relentlessly balky to literary grace."

9. Moral of the Story: All Bibles take been Tweaked.

It'southward just a reminder to cultivate our own path. We may never know the hidden purposes behind information technology. So choose your translation carefully. My favorites today are the Holy Name KJV and the Leningrad Codex, both bachelor online. Even better, now is the fourth dimension to build our own relationship with God. That'southward a highly personal thing between you and the Supreme Power. Information technology's across any other person, religion, or even words.

Suggested Reading:

  1. Yahweh – LORD,
  2. Vatican Controlled: The Charade Regarding Our Modern Bible Translations,
  3. Catholic Bibles Blog promotes the Nestle-Aland 28th Critical Text Edition, Catholic Bibles Weblog promotes the Nestle-Aland 28th Critical Text  Edition,
  4. New Versions Are Vatican Corrupted And Controlled Bibles
  5. "The Text of the New Attestation", past Kurt Aland and Barbara Aland, 1987
  6. "The Amplified Bible of 2015", by the Lockman Foundation, 2015
  7. "Bible Give-and-take Count", by Vaughn Aubuchon, Vaughn's Summaries, online
  8. "Amplified Bible Version Data", by the Lockman Foundation, 2015, online
  9. "Perspectives on the catastrophe of Marker: 4 Views", by David Alan Black, 2008
  10. "A Possible Case of Lukan Authorship", by Henry J. Cadbury, The Harvard Theological Review, July, 1917
  11. "When God Spoke English language: The Making of the King James Bible", past Adam Nicolson, 2011
  12. "Alexander the Corrector: the tormented genius who unwrote the Bible", by Julia Keay, 2005
  13. "Power and Glory: Jacobean England and the making of the King James Bible", by Adam Nicolson, 2003
  14. "Misquoting Jesus: the story backside who changed the Bible and why", past Bart D. Ehrman, 2005
  15. "Extremely rare Wicked Bible goes on auction", by Alison Alluvion, The Guardian, October 21, 2015
  16. "When God Spoke Greek", by Timothy Michael Law, 2013
  17. "The Bible Doesn't Say That," past Dr. Joel M. Hoffmann, 2013
  18. "And God Said: How Translations Muffle the Bible'south Original Significant", by Dr. Joel M. Hoffmann, 2009
  19. "When the Male monarch Saved God", past Christopher Hitchens, Vanity Off-white, May, 2011
  20. "The Bible in English: history and influence", by David Daniell, 2003
  21. "God'due south Secretaries: the making of the Male monarch James Bible", past Adam Nicolson, 2003
  22. "The Real Story Behind the Translation of 2 Timothy three:16", by Frank Nelte,, Nov 2008, online
  23. Did The Cosmic Church Give Us The Bible? – David Due west. Daniels
  24. Answers To Your Bible Version Questions – David West. Daniels
  25. To meet which words Satan has removed from your Bible version, click on Modernistic Bible Deception Verse Study.
  26. For farther study on the corruption of the Bible, watch the documentaries called "Tares Among the Wheat"
  27. And "A Lamp In The Dark: The Untold History of the Bible"
  28. God'due south Word to Women, past Katharine Bushnell
  29. A New Gospel for Women: Katharine Bushnell and the Challenge of Christian Feminism. Past Kobes Du Mez'southward
  31. Gap Theory Creationism:
  32. Young Mary vs Virgin Mary: A mistranslation of epic proportions,
  33. Confessional:
  34. Indulgences,
  37. The Forged Origins of the New Testament,


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