Things You Only Know if You Live in the Country

I've never stepped foot into an IKEA store. And I'd exist willing to bet that that's true for most of you who are reading this article right now.

It's something that separates us rural folks from our urban and suburban counterparts. Of class, at that place are many things that make us different, from our perspective on the earth to the cost of living to how we arroyo each twenty-four hours.

And while there are many articles out there that prove how growing up on a farm is a wonderful and unique feel for our youth, there are several quirks and insights most rural living that I never realized until I got older. It might be how someone talks or how we adapt to life, but all of it makes us uniquely rural, and I wouldn't have it any other mode.

Hither are 10 things that actually struck me about rural life equally an adult:

one. 'Neighbor' has a whole unlike definition

If you live in the metropolis, how far does someone have to live from yous before you're no longer their "neighbour"? A few blocks? One-half a mile? Beyond the five roads in your subdivision? In the country, that measurement is a whole lot different.

I remember about 10 years ago, walking into the solitary restaurant in my little burg and seeing a table of old-timers drinking and laughing. I knew one of the fellows, whom I met subsequently he helped me catch my Mustang that had gotten loose from the pasture. He introduced me to the others at the table: They were all "neighbors," even the guy who lived well-nigh five miles away. Considering, merely, there aren't that many houses betwixt him and me, and in the state, we're all neighbors. I wave to them when I drive by — every fourth dimension — and we all converge on the same place to eat and to fill up up our gas tanks.

Neighbour is more the shared experience of the rural customs than information technology is existence able to see the other guy's house from yours.

2. Loving the odor of manure

It has been said that smell is the strongest sense tied to memory, and no matter how long I'1000 abroad, the smell of horse manure always reminds me of home — my home. I love information technology, no joke! I don't care if it'south drying in the pasture or sitting on the ground later a heavy pelting, at that place is something comforting near information technology, almost knowing that these animals are an of import office of my life and part of my family unit, about knowing that I accept this responsibility.

Merely about anyone who raises livestock cares and appreciates their animals fully, and even when the day entails having to muck stalls, I wouldn't want it whatever other way.

three. In that location'south the right clothes and the wrong clothes at feeding time

No affair how long your day has been, how pressed for time you are, or how gear up for bed yous are, wearing flip-flops is always the wrong manner to feed your animals. Period. End of discussion. I've been on the incorrect end of a horse hoof earlier, and it's totally not worth it.

Pajama pants are absurd though.

4. Taking trash to the dump

If y'all're waiting for the trash human to make his rounds in the country, you'll exist waiting a long time. Aye, just virtually every rural family unit near me has a pickup truck, and for proficient reason — one of them being to haul trash to the local dump every and so ofttimes. And I don't hateful major demolition jobs, I'grand talking the iii or four bags yous want to become out of the house earlier they start stinking and alluring gnats. (Or you could dig a big hole every few years and dispose of it that style … every rural area is different.)

It may seem a flake silly, simply there'due south a lot of independence in being able to set your own schedule, even on trash runs, and in taking care of yourself as much equally possible.

five. Helping to wrangle neighbor's animals

If you've never helped a neighbor corral their cows back home or get their escaped pony back in a round pen, you're probably non every bit far into the country as yous need to be. I even behave an extra pair of boots in my vehicle only in case I become caught needing to assistance someone out on my way to church building (fyi, God would be absurd with you lot existence late to service for that reason) or somewhere else that I'chiliad dressed upwards. It'south happened before, and I guarantee it'll happen again.

I've met more than a few of my extended neighbors that fashion.

6. So much is dependent on electricity

And I don't just mean making sure your phone is charged — though with and so few folks having landlines these days, having a dead battery in your smartphone really does cut you off from much of the outside globe.

But moreso, it took a long time for it to really sink in that when the ability is out, that ways existent considerations virtually washing hands or flushing toilets because the well pump is dead. If yous alive in an urban area and have city h2o, you're in better shape during a power outage than the residue of u.s.a..

I'm in a peculiarly tough spot since my heat pump and appliances are all electric, too, so extended periods without power have me thinking of how to go along warm and go along everyone fed (a gas generator is swell, only it only gets us so far). And, of course, when there's merely a couple dozen people per square mile, we're by and large pretty depression priority when it comes to ability restoration.

I've always got to be thinking alee. Speaking of which …

seven. A stocked pantry

Who doesn't have a pantry stocked or deep freezer stocked with goodies in case you get stranded by snow or other major upshot? Many of us are probably fifty-fifty gearing up to accept a freezer full of deer meat.

Worst-instance scenario, our normal food supply (in any season of the year) tin can proceed my family of 4 comfortable for about a week and a one-half — and there's bonus points if the food doesn't have to be warmed up, like if the power is out. The grocery store isn't close by, so information technology's become habit for my wife and I to accept a expert bit of grub on hand.

That said, my kids are pretty addicted to chicken nuggets, so a power outage may exist only the affair to force them to branch out and attempt new foods one time the nuggets run out. 🙂

8. Using a napkin is a difficult thing

My piece of work jeans are filthy — most everyone's are. From the grease and grime of working on machines, to the dirt and manure I wipe on them from the fields and pastures, I think your average Walmart bath is cleaner than my pants are. So it'south really hard to scold my kids for wiping their easily on their pants at the dinner tabular array when they meet me doing it all the time outside. Paper towel or napkin? No carp. My pants volition practise just fine.

It's a lesson that kids lookout how we carry all the fourth dimension, and them mimicking our actions is but part of the growing up.

nine. Produce left unattended overnight

For a long time, I didn't realize how special it was for rural businesses to leave produce or other products outside overnight — with no real security bated from watchful neighbors. It shows real trust amongst the customs. People don't come past and steal peppers, tomatoes, seedlings, or numberless of mulch during the wee hours. I've always felt safer and more comfortable out in the country.

10. The prevalence of roadside crosses

Tragedy happens on country roads — those two-lane routes with no shoulder and herds of deer bounding by in the early hours of the night. I had lived in my electric current house simply ii months before a muscle car collided with a pickup truck on my winding road, killing four of the five people involved. Information technology's an event that rocked our community, and to this day, well over 10 years later, there'southward a memorial on the road.

I see that a lot in the country, crosses dotting the side of the road, specially most dangerous turns. It's especially saddening when there is more than one cross erected at that place. Information technology's painful to think how many people were affected by loss that twenty-four hours (Randy Travis' heartfelt song "3 Wooden Crosses" comes to mind).

It'south not something you see very much in cities (whether considering of infinite limitations or just a desire not to memorialize those we've lost, I don't know), only information technology's go function of the rural landscape where I alive. Of all the realizations I've had every bit an adult, the growing awareness of these tragedies around me is, past far, the most poignant.

Ryan Tipps is the managing editor for AGDAILY. He has covered farming since 2011, and his writing has been honored by state- and national-level agronomical organizations.

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